IDAHO – 08/28/24
Hey there friends!
I’m so excited to announce that this little blog here marks the beginning of a GRAND adventure! For a short but sweet season, I will be on mission to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the beautiful countries of Guatemala and Nicaragua!
First I wanted to thank each and every one of you that have supported me in this time of preparation either financially or in prayer. Your love and generosity is an answered prayer for me in this time! 3 months ago, I had no plans to go on this mission trip and was rather enrolled to go to school in the fall, but God came and changed my plans in a hurry and BOY could I not be any more excited! That being said, I had significantly less time to financially prepare for this adventure and was instead put in the position to heavily lean on and trust in God’s provision. He. Has. Not. Failed. Me. It is only through YOUR willingness and obedience to God that I get to go and serve on this Mission trip. From the bottom of my heart, thank you!
I’m Emma! If you’re on my page you must know me or are at least acquainted with me, but I’ll introduce myself again just for good measures. I’m a 19 year old gal living proudly in the state of Idaho. The mountains hold a special place in my heart and being outdoors is where I find the most joy in life. My church home is a small church on the Boise bench called River Valley and I LOVE my church family there. My biggest cheerleaders in life are my parents and brother, but I’d have to say my Arizona and church family are absolutely close runner ups. I’m what my Mama likes to call a “crunchy” granola girl, but in other terms, all of my hobbies are outside. I’m in school to eventually become a Nurse Practitioner but am taking the first step in getting my BSN. I have a complete fascination of the medical field and have great passion for combining that love with my excitement for missions. All of this, however, pales in comparison to the identity that I have found in Jesus Christ! My journey has been marked by the joy that God has lavished on my life every step of the way and the blessings that He has continuously poured out on me.
About 3 months ago is when God let me in on His exciting plan that I would be embarking on the longest trip I’ve been able to go on. Looking back, I can see God has been orchestrating this very moment for quite some time now. Who knew right? 🙂 It was a year ago last month that I had the opportunity to go on my very first mission trip to Vicente Guerrero, Mexico with my church where my heart was impacted forever. God had saved a very special place in my heart specifically for missions that was awakened the moment I saw life through another countries eyes. Passion, excitement, nerves, justice, love, and service are words that would capture the very things I felt through that entire experience. It was through that mission that I found a new purpose in my life by combining two things that I love – travel and service. While I love the opportunities I’ve been given throughout my life to go and travel the very world that God created, traveling with intention and purpose fills my heart in a unique way. I could not be any happier that God has called me to this Mission.
I’m beyond excited to see the new depths that I know He will take me to on this mission, both in my relationship with Him and myself. While I know that I can’t take everyone I want on this trip with me, I can share the excitement with you so it feels like you’re here with me. I love you all and am eager to see how and where God moves!
Yours truly,
Emma 🙂
Love you so very much Emma! I am so excited for you! We will continue to hold you in our prayers.
I love you so much Grandma Ball!! Thank you so much for the prayer! <3
Dear Granddaughter Emma,
I wish for this Mission to be everything you will remember and that the experience brings you a full heart. I will be praying for you and your group. I can’t wait to hear of all the adventures and people you will meet. The lives that will be changed by you being the hands and feet of Jesus. Love you SO MUCH❤️
Love you beyond words Grandma ❤️ I can’t wait to tell you all the stories!!
Emma, I remember my first missions trip. It was to Aracaju Brazil. The first day, Bob went to work on the church we were there to help and I went to the neighborhood to invite children to VBS. They were so excited and appreciative of us being there. Before we got back from passing out flyers about the children’s service. The little storefront church was packed with kids. My heart was so full that day, that when I got back to our room, I couldn’t even tell Bob what we had done.. I literally could not speak.. This will be life-changing for you! I am so proud of you! Hold on, girl, because God has a ride for you and He always takes the scenic route!!
Thank you so much for sharing your story Aunt Cindy!! This is so encouraging and you’re so right about God and His scenic route 🙂